Services Provided By Allergy and Immunology

  • Training and education

    Health professionals

    The Allergy and Immunology Department is committed to promoting and advancing training of specialists in paediatric allergic disorders to improve community access to allergy care.

    There are four different levels of training:

    • Primary education
      • To provide general practitioners and general paediatricians with increased knowledge of allergic disease and immunology to care for non-complex allergic disorders through education days, referral guidelines and other lecture / workshop settings.
      • Tertiary level training
      • RACP accredited training programs for specialists in allergy and immunology to diagnosis, manage and treat complex paediatric allergic disorders.
      • Clinical nurse consultants & Nurse Practitioners
      • To provide nurses with increased skills and knowledge to provide a clinical consultancy service. This includes clinical support and advice, education and research.

    The breadth of the Department's training program will help to improve access to paediatric allergy services for children in Victoria.

    Community education and training in allergic disease and anaphylaxis

    The Department has a dynamic training team that has been delivering education and training for over 13 years to the community.  Our aim is to provide research based training that is relevant and practical for individuals and workplaces to improve general community knowledge of allergic and immune disorders, and their effective prevention and treatment.

    All of our training is provided by experienced allergy staff that also hold Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.  We currently deliver training and education sessions to the following sectors:

    • School communities
    • Kindergarten sector
    • Child Care Services
    • Health Professionals

    For more information on our training please click on here:  Community Education

    Health policy

    One of the key roles of the Department is to influence health policy for the State of Victoria. The Department advocates for a concerted and comprehensive approach to the prevention and management of allergic and immune disorders. We aim to support the Government create policy based on comprehensive and up to date evidence based research and information.

    This is achieved through key strategies:

    • Involvement with various Government departments
    • Participation on various working party groups to develop policy
    • Presentation of papers at conferences both nationally and internationally
    • Leaders in cutting edge research
    • Publishing articles
    • Providing information to governments and philanthropic organisations to influence policy-making and funds allocation
    • Professional affiliations with other health related organisations

    We wish to facilitate the progression of allergy agenda forward and to support community awareness of allergic and immune disorders.